Thursday, May 3, 2007

Camping on Hallowed Ground

Shhhh. You’ve got to keep quiet. I am secretly camping at the Shiloh National Military Park in southern Tennessee. (Yes, I am now in Tennessee.) They don’t know I’m here because camping is not allowed. I am hidden in a little valley with a stream called Rhea Springs, about 100 yards from a Confederate burial trench. A ranger has driven by a few times but I don’t think they notice the light from my laptop. I’m typing this under a garbage bag because it just started to sprinkle, but it’s also keeping me under cover.

Who was it that wrote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Well, that kind of describes my day. Let me first get the worst of times off my chest. For the first time weather was a factor. There was a light rain most of the afternoon, not enough to keep me from riding but just enough to make it annoying. I also had to walk my bike up a couple of hills for the first time, not that I’m embarrassed. Cycling up hills is not so bad, even if the hills are high. The problem comes when they are steep, and a few were dang steep. That’s all for the worst of times – not so bad I guess.

Now for the best of times. I ate my first Chicago style Italian Steak Sandwich in Iuka, MS and it was gooooood. Eating I one of the most basic pleasures in life, and I am enjoying it immensely every chance I get. My brother Joe said that I am burning 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day, so next time I’ll have to eat two of them.

As I pulled into Shiloh the rain stopped and I took my time cycling around the grounds. If you are not aware, 24,000 Union and Confederate soldiers died or were wounded here, making it one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. Until that point, Lincoln’s goal was just to try and preserve the Union. After the Battle of Shiloh, the Civil War became a struggle to end slavery. It almost feels like hallowed grounds, with all of the memorials and cemeteries. I feel blessed to have a few hours to just pedal around and experience it. This has been the highlight of my trip so far. And the Italian Steak sandwich, of course.

On a final note, many people made fun of a line I told Jeremy in the Herald Times about washing my clothes in a stream. Check out the picture for living proof! The only clean clothes I have are a couple of pairs of underwear (which, if you know me, is a couple more than I really need) and a pair of socks. I’ll do my laundry at a campground tomorrow, but in the meantime, I’m washing a couple of items the old fashioned way. So to all of you nay-sayers – HA! I laugh in your face!

PS: There was a huge thunderstorm last night but I was nice and dry, cuddled up in my little tent. I'm nicknaming it Christa 2, because she keeps me safe and warm at night.


Anonymous said...

Well here goes I am comment #1. You go boy, I am so proud i can't seem to talk about you enough to all my friends. Hey don't tell your sibs. Maybe dad and I can come down to see you when you bike into Van Wert. Keep up the good work, Love MOM

Anonymous said...

Charlie mon, I'm addicted to seeing your's my new picker-upper of the day when you post it. That is hallowed ground in Shiloh, Tenn. and I'm so glad you took it in for all those that lost their lives there for us. Mom & I are so proud to have our children accomplish what their dreams are. Enjoy the scenery,appreciate the history, cycle safe and sleep well. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, you are quite the guy. Michael and I rode our bikes around the lake. (once) Well that was enough for me. Michael said we would have to ride it at least 100 more times to match you. Happy riding my friend. I have to admit I did think of you and probably will every time I get the urge to ride but instead of building up my ass muscles I'll just let them spread out in my easy chair and watch your blog every day. haha Might be a little safer with all the traffic and what not. Anyways the weather here is great and you look like you're having a blast. You sure got some big ones Charlie. Miss you and can't wait for your return. HEY you really need to go on THE AMAZING RACE you would rock their socks off.

Joe said...

eat up those italian steak sandwiches boy! Keeping on trucking you have a ton of supporters...Ride Charlie, Ride !

Stay dry and safe....We love you.... Joe, Gina & Girls

Anonymous said...

I love the tan lines baby !!
And the location, How cool is that !
prayers for good weather, & safe travel
Love Dawn

cuzgrace said...

Watch out for wet brake pads in them thar hills Charlie...might wanna walk down too in the rain...the blog is great...we look foward to it everyday...stay safe and good luck

Anonymous said...

....And all I have is Cole, 3 cats and 2 rats to keep me warm and safe at night... Luv ya baby, tim a go night-night!

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie, nice pictures
You just be carefull on those hills, I remember just how steep they used to be when I drove down to florida, yike! My little one got to crown mother Mary on tuesday, so I said a little prayer for your safe return.Keep on bikeing my cousin, Love, your cuz

Anonymous said...

Great pictures What are we going to do when you get home?You make our day when we read about your fun(your fun not mine)I'm just happy your making your dreams come true.Have you thought about Alaska next?


Anonymous said...

Hey Chaz!
That picture of you washing your clothes by the stream is very Survivor-ish, don't you think? We'll use it with your entry!
It sounds like you are having the adventure of a lifetime. Have fun and be safe!
See you in Ohio!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chazmo, You'll never guess, but Mom submitted your adventure to the Ellen DeGeneres show. Who knows you might be geting your spotlight. Have a great ride today and God Bless, stay safe, enjoy the scenery, while cycling toward Michigan. I love that picture of you scrubbing your clothes in the stream. Hey by the way, I see some gray hairs in your goatee buddy. Looks better on you than my gray hair. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Man Charlie, I bow before the master. Way to go!
